Feb 24, 2014 | Stewart Duckworth | 890 views
Wolverines come back to tie Rockets
In a hard fought game LL#2 Wolverines came from behind to tie the Ayr Rocket. Down their regular goal tender Mare Prober and their offensive defense man Abby Bender, the Wolverines knew they would have to pull out all the stops.
In the 1st An unlucky bounce cost the Wolverines the first goal but at the 6:23 mark of the 2nd period Kate Duckworth put a hard shot past the Ayr net minder to tie it;with assists coming from Katelyn Yantzi and Suzanne Mooser. In the third on a questionable goal the Rockets took the lead at the 5:25 mark. LL#2 did not let this deter them as the pressed Ayr all the way causing the Rockets to take a hooking penalty at the 2:32 mark and a subsequent trip at the 58.6 seconds of the 3rd. With the goalie pulled and the 6 on 3 advantage Kate Duckworth netted her 2nd goal to tie the game on an assist by Katelyn Yantzi.
The hard hat award was given to Heather Darlington fro playing a great game on right wing for her first time.The smartie award was given to Dani Brodrecht for her hard work along the boards and great positional play. Shout out to Shelby Page our back up net minder who held us in it all the way.
GREAT GAME GIRLS ! You really played as a team.