Feb 29, 2012 | KLarochelle | 842 views
Time to re-group
With only two games remaining, and spot in the final four still within our reach, it is time to focus on Saturday's game against Waterloo Ravens #2. They are a team that with have won, tied and lost against this season.
Last weekend was our first loss in 4 games and now that it is done, we can focus on our next game this Saturday at home vs the Ravens. The Ravens are also a team gunning for that last remaining playoff spot so I am sure they will be bringing their A game as well.
Let's play our game, the one with emotion and passion that we have seen many times throughout this season. We have have battled through some adversity, injuries and suspensions to make it to where we are now. Lets finish this season with our chins held high and with dignity and respect for each other and the team in the remaining few week's we have left in this season!
Let's go Wolverines!