Oct 21, 2017 | Matt Campbell | 788 views
Peewee B Figuring Out Their Game
The wolverine has a reputation for ferocity and strength out of proportion to its size, with the documented ability to take on prey many times larger than itself. The Peewee B girls play with the spirit of this fierce animal.
The season started out with a 2-3 loss, however, after some quality team bonding at the Clarington Applefest Tournament, the girls have started to figure out their groove. Wolverines Peewee B battled for a 3-1 record and making it to the semi finals where they were marginally defeated by Ottawa Ice. However, there are no losses, only learning opportunities. Since their return, the team has come back with greater focus, more aggressiveness, and every girl is hungry for the puck, proven with 2-1 Victory over Woolwich and another 2-1 win over Guelph.