A draw will be made to assign each player with their own teammate that they will play Secret Santa for. On the assigned game or practice days indicated below, each player will bring one homemade, non-purchased, CLUE to their identity to give to their assigned SS teammate. Clues could include a poem or note, a drawing or a cut-out from a magazine, or other craft, clearly marked for their SS teammate. For Example; Dear Jaye, Roses are Red, Violets are Blue, I shoot left, how about you?
The girls are encouraged to use their creative thinking; the clues should give hints towards their identity, without revealing it completely. The objective is for the players to guess the identity of their Secret Santa, while having a good time learning interesting clues about their teammates.
On the Final Secret Santa Day (the closest ice time we have to Christmas), each Secret Santa will bring a small gift or treat for their SS teammate (Maximum $5) after the ice time the team will meet at Tim Horton's in Baden for an exchange of the gifts and the revealing of the identities. (And of course some Wolverine Sprinkle Donuts)
Secret Santa Schedule
- Wed Nov 28 (Practice 5:30 at WRC) - Each girl receives a Secret Santa name
- Wed Dec 5 (Game 5:30 at WRC) - Clue #1 handed out after the game
- Sat Dec 8 (Practice 1:30 at WRC) - Clue #2 handed out after the practice
- Wed Dec 19 (Practice 5:30 at WRC) - Clue #3 handed out after the practice
- Sat Dec 22 (Practice 1:30 at WRC) - Secret Santa Gifts and Christmas Celebration at Tim Horton’s in Baden