Information for Parents of Rep Players (Wilmot Girls Hockey)
OWHA Website
Team Finder
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Organization Menu
About Us
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Mission Statement
Directions to the Wilmot Rec Complex
Tryout Schedule
Age Divisions
2024-2025 Development Stream (DS)
Permission to Tryout Form Request
Registration 2024/25
Age Divisions
Financial Assistance
Coaches & Staff
Current Coaches
Team Staff Application
Team Staff Handbook, Forms, and Resources
Team Staff Roles & Responsibilities
Team Staff Certification Requirements
WGHA Staff Certification Requirements
Respect in Sport
Police Checks
*NEW* Vulnerable Sector Check Submission Process
Gender Identity and Expression
Trainer Certification
Hockey Canada Courses and Certification
Rowan's Law
Coaching Forms & Resources
Trainers Resources
Players & Parents
Leadership Program
Leadership Program Expectations
Rowan's Law
Michele Postrozny Bursary
Player Pathways and Half Ice Information
Player Pathways and Half Ice Information
OWHA 2020-21 Player Pathway Implementation
OWHA 2020-21 U7 (Initiation) Player Pathway
OWHA 2020-21 U9 (Novice) Player Pathway
OWHA 2020-21 U11 (Atom) Player Pathway
Video - Science Behind Half Ice
Benefits of Half Ice
George Kingston on Half Ice Hockey
Mike Babcock on Novice Half Ice Hockey
Video - Half Ice Hockey Develops Full Ice Skills
From a Child's Perspective - Half Ice Hockey Makes Sense
WGHA Medical Form
WGHA Complaints Process
What To Expect
Required Equipment
Hockey Rink Etiquette For Parents
Calendar Sync and Notifications
Information for Parents of Rep Players
Player Friend Request Form
Games Centre
OWHL-Southern, WOGHL, and KGLL Standings
Schedule & Results
Organization Calendar
Contact Us
Goalie Initiative
Wolverines Goalie Initiative
Application Form for Goalie Rebate
2025 Kowalik Tournament
Try Girls Hockey
Try Girls Hockey
Try Girls Hockey FAQ
Information for Parents of Rep Players
Information for Parents of Rep Players
Unrealistic expectations and unnecessary pressure have the biggest impacts on kids during tryouts. Most of this pressure comes from us as parents. The most beneficial thing we can do for the kids is to support them and have them play at a level where they have the best opportunity to develop.
Not all kids can make the team, so be prepared to support them in a positive manner if they don’t
Player selections #1 to #12 are always fairly clear and most people would select the same players. #13 to 17 are always difficult as several players will evaluate fairly close. The Coach will make the decision on those players based on factors such as positional play, role player, or coachability.
Not everyone will be satisfied with the decisions made. We are all biased to our own needs and wants, whether we are coaches or parents. It is our expectations that coaches at all levels are open to discussions regarding the decisions made. We ask that you are respectful of the coach’s decisions and allow a “cool down” period for emotional issues prior to approaching a coach.
The coaches at these levels make a huge commitment to these teams and will expect the same level of commitment from the parents and players.
Rep teams are given more ice and it is expected that practices are attended by all team players on a consistent basis.
The cost of rep hockey increases due to the increased amount of ice allotted for each team. There is an additional cost on top of the basic registration fee for this. You should also expect fees to be collected on top of the basic registration fees and rep fees to cover additional ice, tournaments, referees for exhibition games, etc.
In an effort to keep the registration fees as low as possible, volunteer roles and some fundraising is required. Parents may be asked to be the team manager, trainer, social director etc. It is expected that all parents will help the team in some way.
Being on a rep team is a huge commitment for coaches, players and parents.