Questions marked with an asterisk * are mandatory. All feedback is kept strictly confidential - no coach will ever know who provided feedback.
Enter the first and last name of the coach this feedback pertains to.
Select one option
e.g. grandparent, official, WGHA coach or staff member, etc.
All feedback is strictly confidential.
1 = Strongly no. 5 = Neutral. 10 = Strongly yes.
All feedback is strictly confidental
0 = Strongly no. 5 = Neutral. 10 = Strongly yes.
All feedback is strictly confidential
This section is NOT REQUIRED - it can be left blank. However, we are unable to contact you to discuss your concerns if you leave this section blank.
Enter up to 500 characters.
This field may be left blank if you do not wish to give your name.
This field may be left blank if you do not wish to provide your email address.
Select this box if you wish to be contacted by a member of the WGHA Executive to discuss your feedback.