Aug 21, 2019 | Stacey Dineen | 4134 views
Rowan's Law Concussion Awareness - ACTION REQUIRED
Effective July 1st, 2019 the Ontario Government has implemented “Rowan’s Law”.
This is a concussion awareness law that requires the
participant and at least one
parent to review the concussion awareness resources and complete the Ontario Hockey Federation (OHF) acknowledgement form that they have done so.
All bench staff (Coaches, Trainers & Managers) are required to complete one as well.
The WGHA requires that this form is completed by all participants (players and coaching staff) who are currently registered before the season starts. Please note that this is a requirement of the OHF and your child will not be able to participate in any WGHA related activities until this form has been completed.
1. Review the required information (links below) as it applies to your player(s). Prior to signing the form, you must read this in full and be sure that you understand it completely.
Rowan's Law for Age 10 and under
Rowan's Law for Ages 11-14
Rowan's Law for Ages 15 and up
2. Print and Sign the OHF Rowan's Law Acknowledgement Form (click to download) You will need one form for each child or each bench staff/coaching member.
3. Bring the signed form to your child's first ice time. Please note that your child will not be allowed to participate in any WGHA activities until this signed form is received.
Thank you for your co-operation in this matter.