Once again we will be running our February Cash Calendar draw, with amazing cash and prizes to be won EVERY DAY in February!
You have probably already received your bundle of 8 tickets for the draw. YOU HAVE ALREADY PAID FOR THESE TICKETS, when you paid your $80 fundraising fee. This is your chance to recoup that money by selling these tickets to family and friends for $10 each - or you can keep them for yourself and try your luck!
On each ticket stub, CLEARLY PRINT the first and last name and contact information (phone, email) for the person buying the ticket - don't forget to fill in your own info if on any unsold ticket stubs. Return the ticket stubs to your team manager by January 24, 2019 to be included in the draw. You can sell as many tickets as you like, there is a Grand Prize for the Wolverine that sells the most tickets!
Winners will be notified by phone or email, and their names will be published on the website and lobby display. Every winning ticket is returned to the draw for another chance to win! See below for prize details!