What a great end to the new Sock and Underwear campaign.
3160 pairs of NEW socks and underwear collected for WFRC and their Christmas Hamper program!Over 2000 pairs collected yesterday during Rogers Day with the Sock and Underwear tosses at the end of each game!
Novice B is the challenge winner on the Rogers day participants side and the overall winner of the most collected pairs - with 785 pairs collected. As such they have won the pizza and the opportunity to deliver the socks and underwear on behalf of the WGHA to the WFRC.
Midget B had the second highest numbers - with 392 pairs collected
Bantam LL won the challenge for the non-Rogers Day participant side - with 376 pairs collected. They have also won pizza
To see how your team did - check the WGHA bulletin board in the WRC lobby starting tomorrow evening
Our donation will fill all the Christmas hamper needs and leave the WFRC with enough left over to help out families over the coming year
Thank-you for your generosity
Novice B team delivering 3160 pairs of NEW socks and underwear, on behalf of the WGHA, to WFRC for their Christmas Hampers. The Novice B team was the top collector, collecting 785 pairs.