Wilmot Township is looking for your input to help with their Community Services Masterplan.
The Township recently welcomed residents who participated in a public workshop on March 26th at the Wilmot Recreation Complex. Thank you to everyone for sharing your thoughts, ideas and suggestions. The input will be included in the development of the Community Services Master Plan that is:
- Evaluating existing parks, open spaces, amenities and recreational facilities for condition, accessibility and capacity
- Identifying the future needs for all types of recreational spaces
- Reviewing existing events, programs and partnerships to identify opportunities for enhancement
- Analyzing existing organizational structure, roles and responsibilities
- Identifying gaps and duplication and making recommendations for efficiencies, and
- Establishing a vision based on the values and aspirations of the community.
Survey Available
With your assistance, the Township is asking our valued Stakeholders to send this short survey using the following link or accessed at wilmot.ca/communityservicesmasterplan2024 to your association membership/participants to complete. The input will be used to validate and help further build the Community Services Master Plan.
Thank you for your assistance. Stay tuned for further updates on the draft plan.